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Make A Difference

You and/or your company can give back in a variety of ways.

  • Donate Your Time

  • Donate Supplies

  • Donate a monetary gift…you can even designate your gift to your favorite program!

  • Donate a monetary gift to our most urgent need and save the day!

Thank you for answering our call to action by making a commitment to safeguard the future of our young. Your tax-deductible contribution, made with any major credit card or through Paypal, will be used to fund the Nellie Prather Foundations ongoing outreach efforts to continue to nurture and empower young girls.

On behalf of the young girls and young ladies who are a part of the Nellie Prather Foundation, thank you for offering a lifeline.                  We so need and appreciate your support.

Investments take time to show a return, and NPF is investing in girls from the beginning and staying by their sides as long as they need (college and beyond).  We’re in it for the long haul and we’re asking you to join us by investing in the Nellie Prather Foundation.

NP Foundation extends gratitude to all of our sponsors who have donated to "Make a Difference" in the community. The companies listed here are just some of those who have contributed to the cause of creating a better future.

The Nellie Prather Foundations mission is to serve young women as a vehicle for learning and development through assistance programs, experiential education, instructural partnering,  technology,  counseling and mentoring.

Additional Information

P.O. Box 777

Glenwood, Il. 60425


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